Why We not Suggest Using CBD While Pregnant or Nursing?

Jun 5, 2022

It’s beautiful and uncomfortable to be a mother. During pregnancy, moms always want to be more comfortable. CBD is from natural hemp plant, and it has many benefits may comfortable moms during pregnancy. However, many CBD products marked with a sentence on label that do not suggest use it during pregnancy. Why?


CBD may, however, help ease pain, nausea, and symptoms of other health conditions. But exactly what is CBD oil? Why do you take it, and what effects can it have on your pregnancy? Let’s going to see.


What is CBD Oil?

CBD is a substance extracted from hemp, cannabis, or marijuana plant. CBD oil is the oil contain CBD or minor cannabinoids, all those products are hemp or cannabis or marijuana derived products.


What benefits can CBD have?

Experts continue to research CBD’s benefits as well as its potential side effects. There’s still plenty to learn about this compound, but a few currently recognized benefits include the following.


Pain relief

A 2017 studyTrusted Source on rats suggested CBD injections help lower pain after surgical incisions.


According to an older rat studyTrusted Source, oral CBD appeared to significantly lower sciatic nerve pain and inflammation.


Research from 2018 also suggested CBD can be beneficial in treating chronic pain associated with nervous system disorders, cancer, and fibromyalgia.


Nausea relief

Animal research Trusted Source suggests that CBD could help soothe nausea, since it’s linked to serotonin receptors.


The hormone serotonin helps regulate your mood and overall sense of well-being, but it also helps provoke nausea or diarrhea when you eat something that disagrees with you.


Improved sleep and reduced anxiety

A 2019 studyTrusted Source explored whether CBD could help improve sleep or reduce anxiety.


In the study’s first month, 79.2 percent of the participants reported reduced anxiety levels and 66.7 percent said they experienced better sleep. Sleep quality varied over the course of the study, but reduced anxiety levels held.


The most common reasons pregnant women may want to consider using CBD supplements:



Sleeping problems and insomnia


High stress

Hormone-induced acne

Inflammatory conditions

Migraine headaches

Mood disorders


Why Experts Do not Suggest Use CBD during Pregnancy or Nursing?

Although the hemp derived product on market are range with more kinds, and the formula is better that many people use it as daily supplement. However, pregnancy moms are not within this range.


On one hand, the related scientific evidence is still on going, especial side effects for pregnancy. That may be the reason many experts even related government department warns pregnant and nursing people against using any cannabis product, including CBD, saying the products could pose serious risks to the fetus or a nursing baby.


On the other hand, it may be some CBD products may include THC in trace amounts. These traces of THC can still be passed on to a nursing baby.


Although CBD doesn’t produce the “high” THC does. You might assume this makes CBD safe to use during pregnancy, but experts still recommend avoiding it entirely.


The first thing we need to make crystal clear here is that THC-containing products, like marijuana, are not safe during pregnancy. There’s evidence that suggests smoking marijuana during pregnancy results in a lowered birth-weight and delays in brain development.


When we use products that contain THC we have to remember that this compound is going to pass straight through the placental barrier and interact with our baby’s brain.


Getting support

There’s no doubt that pregnancy can cause plenty of physical discomfort. While nausea sometimes (though not always) clears up after a few months, other symptoms, like pain, anxiety, and insomnia, can linger throughout pregnancy.


It’s always best to share any symptoms you experience with your care team, along with any questions you might have about medications to avoid during pregnancy.


Your care team can help you find safe treatments and home remedies to help ease pregnancy-related discomfort. Keeping them updated on your symptoms can also help them recognize signs of more serious health complications early on.

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